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Reykjavík 2016

Came across this picture from my first trip to Reykjavík, Iceland back in 2016. Looking happy (yes this is my happy face) and making a statement with my too cool for school Orwell 1984 tee shirt. This must be summertime. When else would anyone ever wear tees in Iceland? The pic was taken in the Laundromat cafe by my partner. It was the year before I became a published author. The build up was exciting, I was at the beginning of a new journey. They were good times. But that changed in December, which marked the beginning of one of the hardest periods of my life. Just before Christmas my wonderful mum suddenly passed away. I miss her everyday. I think about her everyday. She loved to read and had wanted to travel to Iceland. She would have been so proud of her son becoming a writer.

Without rolling out a cliche, don't ever take your loved ones for granted. You just don't know what tomorrow will bring. Anyway, Iceland is cool.


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